Be the badass you are meant to be.
Whether you want some tattoos just to wear for a one-off special event, or want to add to your real skin stickers for a couple of days - all my designs are now available in temporary tattoo form as well as the classic sticker form!
My artwork and illustrations have always been quite heavily and obviously tattoo inspired, taking a page from classic stippling techniques - so I'm beyond excited to be able to offer them all as these cool as heck temporary tattoos.
The tattoos apply just like the classic ones we used as children, you peel the top layer off and press the design where you want it - get it nice and stuck, then add water and bam - peel the paper away and you'll be left with your cool new tattoo! Unlike the ones we used as kids though - the design doesn't actually stain your skin, it's more like an adhesive film that will stay for a good few days if you put it on a good flat area that doesn't bend! (flat bits of arm, leg, cheeky sword on ya face)
Each order comes with your chosen tattoos in a small compostable cellophane bag, with application instructions (and a QR code to this instructional video for accessibility too) and a cotton pad for application!
Step 1: choose your badass tattoo
Step 2: clean skin and peel top shiny layer off the design
Step 3: place the design sticky side down and gently rub in place
Step 4: use a wet cotton round to wet the tattoo paper
Step 5: peel away the paper, leaving the design layer on the skin!
Tattoo designs:
CR - Mollymauk: His hand holding his tarot card; The Moon & The Mirror. Underneath; "LONG MAY HE REIGN"
CR - Laudna: Pate's skull in the forefront, behind it are Laudna's tools crossed over (hammer and scissors)
CR - Jester: Her hand holding out the blueberry muffin, referencing the scene in Isharnai's hut. It reads "JUST A LEETLE BLUE TIEFLING"
Meshi - Senshi: The helmet Senshi the dwarf wears in Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon
Meshi - Mushroom: A walking mushroom, designed from the intro of Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon
Meshi - Kenosuke: Laios sword from the living armour fight in Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon
Meshi - Staff: Marcille's wooden staff she uses for magic in Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon
D&D - Book: A cute little book!
D&D - Snail Flail: The flail snail, but reversed. It's snail flail. It reads; "SNAIL FLAIL"
D&D - Sword: an enchanted sword - daggerlike, and surrounded by twisting vines and flowers.
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