These enchanting spell scrolls - based on 5th edition D&D spells - are printed onto paper
vellum, and hand embellished with gold ink details in the lettering and border, for a magic touch.
Each one has been given a discoloured look, giving the spell scroll an antique feel.
The Illuminated Spell Scroll will be placed into a biodegradable cornstarch film sleeve to keep
the item protected from the elements.
Spell scrolls are available for the following spells: Identify, Fireball, Heroes’ Feast, Eldritch Blast, and True Resurrection.
How to use a D&D spell scroll
Spell scrolls are magical in-game D&D props to help you elevate your campaign - each scroll
contains only the main text of the spell, so casting time, spell duration and such are not
included, unless part of the main spell text.
While playing a tabletop role-playing game, it is a truly fantastical and immersive experience to
have your Dungeon Master say that you’ve found a scroll, and then to be handed a beautifully
ornate spell. It adds an enchanting element to the adventure.
Made for the pure joy of the DM - to hand a scroll to their D&D party players and watch their
eyes light up like a kid’s in a candy store, and to see the druids, warlocks and wizards reaching
out with their grabby goblin hands.
This would make a perfect geeky gift for a DM, or for any D&D player to share with their friends
and bring their role-playing game to life.
Technical spec.
Price is for one spell scroll
Choose from 5 official D&D 5e spells
Size: A4 210x297mm
Materials: 180gsm paper vellum, gold ink
Packaging: Sustainable packaging such as biodegradable cornstarch sleeves, recycled tissue
paper, and recyclable card-backed envelopes
Photography - Thymes Lane Lifestyle
Alderdoodle D&D Spell Scrolls
We are so proud to be stocking the work of the illustrator Alderdoodle - with their functional artwork that creates an immersive and easier way to play.