There's been plenty afoot at the Dice Farm recently, so we thought we'd let you know what's new on the website and what to look out for! Latest dice drop With so much going on, the dice drop this month wasn't as many as usual - but you can still grab any of the four brand-new sets that went up last week! Here's a look at a couple that you can find over in the store now:
From left to right: Blooming Decay, Sanguine Sapphire, Frosted Hibiscus.
Tarot II: A new Lino print!
Succeeding our Crit Tarot Print, the second edition of our tarot-inspired hand-carved print range is the Spellcaster Tarot. Balancing Bless & Hex, the new print is up for grabs now.
What's cooler than stickers? Not much - and we've added some awesome designs we've drawn over the last few weeks as stickers in our homeware range! You can slap these babies on anything, they're UV protected and suitable for indoors or outdoors - and styled after traditional stippling tattoos!
From left to right: Enchanted Sword, Snail Flail, Long May He Reign
What's been keeping us so busy? We've been working with the brilliant Uknite The Realm Apparel on a collaborative small batch of exclusive dice sets: Forgestone. There is a very limited number of these left for pre-order while I finish production on them; so run - don't walk.

Pulled from legendary forges within the greatest Dwarven mountain strongholds, a rare and wonderous compound of black stone, precious metal, and undying embers - we bring you; Forgestone!
And finally, another reminder that we'll be trading at UK Games Expo this June! You'll find us there on stand 2-348 with all of our wares!
